Throne of Helios joins the Aegean Miles and Bonus program
September 12, 2020
The iconic Greek ship, Trireme!
November 19, 2020One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Colossus of Rhodes was the giant bronze statue dedicated to the God Helios graced the old harbor of Rhodes during 280 BC. It was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World alongside with the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Lighthouse of Alexandria etc. This imposing work of art stood 33 meters tall with its feet apart and on either side of the entrance to the harbour, which was 400 meters wide. Although the latter fact is not historically proven. Its name (Colossus) rendered its colossal importance for the island, whose patron God was no other than Helios. His sculptor was the renown Chares of Lindos (from the town of Lindos in Rhodes). His inspiration came from a long siege that took place on the island a little earlier.
Bronze, iron and rocks!
Colossus of Rhodes was made of bronze. It was later reinforced with iron, and on the inside big stones were placed to ensure its stability. This made the whole structure extremely heavy. Its construction lasted more than a decade and was completed in 282 B.C. However, an unexpected hit by a major earthquake was all it took to topple this impressive statue. It was then left to the ruthless ruin of time for nine hundred years, until 654 AD. Then the Arabian forces sold its pieces to merchants, who created coins from its materials. That was the sad epilogue of one of the greatest structures ever created by humankind.
Whether the Colossus of Rhodes actually existed or is a historical mystery is uncertain. Nonetheless, its legacy lives on and its legend has left an imprint in today’s world. Often the statue is associated with freedom and hope. Our imagination can fill in the historical voids. And what better way than by enjoying a fantastic movie based on ancient legends and mythological figures! Have fun watching The Rhodes Race or Throne of Helios in our 9D cinema. Come and learn even more exciting facts about the lovely island of Rhodes.
Enjoy our educational productions, inspired by ancient Greek mythology, traditions, and the history of Rhodes, starring the Sun God and the twelve Gods of Olympus. The spectacle is an excellent learning experience for young and adults. It is combined at the same time with our incredible thematic space with exhibits of emblematic figures and various objects of the past.