The 12 labours of Hercules
November 18, 2021
Ialyssos: Α rich history
December 21, 2021It is a fact that the beloved “Throne of Helios”, thanks to your help and love, in just 6 years has managed to collect on TripAdvisor more than 900 reviews and a total rating of 4.5 stars.
According to TripAdvisor’s recent changes, to qualify as “Excellent”, a business needs 15 or more excellent reviews per year and an overall rating of 4.5. With your trust we have managed to reach the top and even closer to our main vision and goal, which is none other than to provide high quality entertainment to our guests at a time when we all need it. Without your support none of this would have been achieved and we are honored to host you in our venue.
The Throne of Helios is the first 9D cinema in Europe that shows films of both cinematic and self-produced films, meeting the requirements of all ages. We are delighted when we see people from the most distant parts of the world as well as schools and universities from all over Europe visiting us for educational purposes. Many renowned professionals in the field have collaborated to create the Throne of Helios and enable it to upgrade the recreational services of Rhodes.
We will always strive for the best result, we will improve our imperfections for even greater successes and every time we open the doors of “Thronos”, we will be waiting for all of you to share unforgettable moments as we have been doing for so many years!